New Applicant Guidance

Guidance for new applicants applying to City Lit.

Step one

Click on the Apply button.

Sample Apply Button in pink with white text

Step two

Register and create an account.

Register for an account button in grey with white text

Please note: This is a separate account to your 'My City Lit' website account.

Step three

Once you’ve created your account the system will send a verification link to your email account.  You will need to login to your email account, find the email and confirm.

Click on the button ‘Continue to site’

Image of message requesting the user to verify email

You won't be able to continue with your application until your email has been verified.

Image showing that email address must be verified

Step four

Go to your email account and confirm your email address.

Image of verification email with confirmation button in green with white text

Once you’ve clicked 'Confirm email address' you will be redirected to an Apply page as seen below.  You can now click on 'continue' to complete the confirmation process.

Image of continue button in green with white text

Step five

You can now start your application.  

Image of SMApply applicant dashboard

If for some reason you are taken to the full ‘Program Listing’ page instead, you can either search for the course or return to the relevant City Lit webpage where you started the process and click on the ‘start assessment’ button.

Start assessment button in pink with white text

 This will take you back to the specific application page within the Apply system.